Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Solstice Newsletter

Happy Summer Solstice! I have put together some tips for staying healthy this summer. I hope they are helpful.

The summer solstice occurs when the sun is at its northernmost position relative to the earth. This day provides us with the most daylight we will have all year and represents the first day of summer. This is an excellent time to set your intentions for the coming season. Take today as an opportunity to set some goals for the season ahead. Whether they are to exercise more or take more time off, setting the intention will bring these things to the forefront of your attention and may be more likely to become a reality as a result.

This first day of summer is the time of year when the Yang (pronounced with a short a) is at its height. Yang energy is associated with the sun, daytime, heat, activity, and creativity. It is important then to utilize this energy by being active, getting outside as much as possible and eating foods that help your body adjust to the climactic heat. The opposite of this heightened Yang energy is the Yin energy which is at its lowest and beginning to grow as the days get shorter and we head into the fall. The Yin energy is associated with the moon, night, cooling and rest. It is important to keep yourself balanced during this time, as it is easy to become overheated as the body loses its cooling abilities. Keeping in mind the yin elements of rest and contemplation, and by eating cooling Yin nourishing foods you can keep your Yin and Yang in balance. Emotionally the season is associated with joy expressed through laughter but which can easily translate into irritability and restlessness if the Yang/hot energy becomes too excessive. Keep an eye out for an imbalance of these emotions and adjust accordingly, if you are becoming irritable you need more yin elements, if you are happy and relaxed you are keeping yourself well balanced.

The balance of Yin and Yang (short a, remember) is at the center of Chinese medicine and all life. This is one of the hardest times of year, the other being winter when the Yin energy is at its height, to stay balanced. With the characteristics of the season in mind pay attention to your body and your mind, listen to what they tell you and keep yourself in balance. I have listed some suggestions below that should help. Enjoy your summer!!

∑ Exercise – get outside, enjoy the long days and stay hydrated.

∑ Drink plenty of water – you need about 2 to 3 quarts of water per day (more if you are sweating a lot). Try to use a hard plastic container which does not leech into your water as much as the softer plastics.

∑ Eat foods that are in season, shop at the farmers market for local in season fruits and vegetables. Eat fresh and eat light, avoiding heavier meats and fried foods. (I have included a list of good foods below).

∑ Drink cooling teas – use such herbs as peppermint, chamomile, chrysanthemum, hibiscus, or lemongrass. Adding a slice of lemon is a healthful and cooling addition. These teas can be drunk hot as they induce the body to sweat thereby lowering body temperature.

∑ Hot flavored spices can be used in moderation, as they also allow the body to cool itself. These are red and green hot peppers, cayenne red pepper, fresh ginger, horseradish, and black pepper. If you are prone to digestive upset avoid this suggestion.

∑ Avoid or limit – coffee, alcohol, tobacco, refined salt, sugar, refined flour and other intoxicants. The summer is the season of the heart and these items interfere with Calcium absorption and are therefore are associated with increased heart disease and osteoporosis.

∑ Take a vacation – as much as activity and exercise should be a part of your life during this time of year, cultivate and balance it with the Yin energy of relaxation and contemplation.

Great summer foods:
All berries
Asian pears
Tropical fruits
Any melon
Citrus fruits

Alfalfa sprouts
Dandelion greens
White mushrooms
Snow peas
Summer squash
Green leafy veggies
Mayssa’s (not so secret) Mosquito Repellent Recipe
This is a good moisturizer and keeps the bugs away, just beware that it is oil and you should be careful using it in lots of sun.
4 oz. Almond oil (apricot oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil)
Essential Oils: 30 drops each (more is not necessarily better)

Mix and store in a glass airtight container, these oils are most volatile and susceptible to damage from oxidation. You can also use any of these oils to keep bugs out of your house by putting them on a piece of paper or ribbon and hanging it by an open window, a drop or two will do it.

Recommended Summer Reading:

Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen(Tarcher/Penguin)
by Anna Lappé and Bryant Terry

"ingenious" The New York Times
"smart and engaging" Publishers Weekly

What is GRUB?

1. grub is healthy, local, sustainable food for all 2. grub is food that supports community, justice, and sustainability 3. grub should be universal |


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